Child Tax Credit

Child Tax Credit Payments: What You Need to Know

The first advance payments under the temporarily expanded child tax credit (CTC) will begin to arrive for nearly 39 million households in mid-July 2021 — unless, that is, they opt out. Most eligible families won’t need to do anything to receive the payments, yet you need to understand the implications and why advance payments might not make sense for your household even if you qualify for them.

Child Tax Credit Payments: What You Need to Know2023-12-12T06:27:46+00:00

Restaurant Revitalization Fund Opening May ’21

The COVID-19 pandemic put undue stress on the restaurant and hospitality industries, forcing many in the food and drink industry to shutter their doors and count their losses. The last year has forced legislators to address the economic strife of restaurant operators and owners with several rounds of pandemic relief aid and funds, the most recent of which being the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF).

Restaurant Revitalization Fund Opening May ’212023-12-12T06:11:54+00:00
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